
Motherhood Sessions | 2017


There is no greater bond, than that between a mother and child.  As mothers, only we know what it feels like to have our hearts walking around outside of our own bodies.  On the day our little ones were born, the immeasurable love for a person we have only just met is enough to take our breath away, and soften our hearts.  

We have all spent sleepless nights making sure our babies were safe and sound.  We have nursed sick tummies and kissed many boo boos.  We have studied their soft, tiny features while they've slept in our arms.  These moments are etched in our memories.  

As mothers, we are usually the ones behind the lens.  I loved being able to spend time with these very special Mamas, Grandmothers, God mothers and their sweet little loves to photograph them on the other side of my lens.   I pray that these memories and images will last, long after your little ones are grown.  

Allison Duff